Institute of Demolition Spring Seminar (23 February 2018)




The Construction and Demolition industry is synonymous with loud noise and lots of dust. Respiratory problems such as silicosis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease can all be caused by over-exposure to hazardous dust being emitted from cutting, drilling and other site practices. These can also give rise to excessive noise which can result in noise induced hearing loss (NIHL). Demolition site processes can also have an adverse impact on the environment causing nuisance to neighbouring properties.


Casella’s Shaun Knott, one of the speakers at the Institute of Demolition  Spring Seminar in Leeds on 23rd February 2018, will discuss how to monitor dust and noise exposure levels on demolition sites and surrounding areas to ensure compliance. His presentation will discuss monitoring options to help asses the risks associated with demolition sites, including personal and boundary area monitoring instruments which do not impede the workflow of site operatives.


Shaun will discuss monitoring to mitigate the risks of noise/dust pollution to neighbouring residential areas and ensure compliance with local authority environmental policies, and how demolition site managers can meet their environmental obligations by providing information throughout all project stages of potential  noise, vibration and dust impact. 


Air sampling monitoring and noise measurement solutions can be used to  fully map and assess construction and demolition noise and vibration (BS 5228: 2009) as part of pre-commencement planning requirements to avoid costly hold ups at the start of site works and delays to the demolition programme.


The presentation will highlight the latest monitoring equipment available  to provide short and long term measurements at any stage of a project, through the use of remotely monitored equipment with automated threshold warnings issued to nominated persons.


Noise and vibration monitoring or construction or demolition environmental impact control, involves baseline surveys at an early stage of a project design (typically RIBA Stage 2) to inform architectural requirements to meet Local Authority conditions and planning submissions.


Demolition road traffic noise needs to be assessed as well as building site noise, to assess how your demolition site traffic will impact on demolition site surroundings. Local Authorities are increasingly requiring assessment and monitoring to be carried out throughout construction and demolition to help with mitigation measures and reduce the risk of health impacts on the surrounding area, noise nuisance and potential damage to residential, commercial or listed properties.


The state of the art monitoring solutions presented will minimise the risk of adverse health impacts and neighbourhood complaints. Site managers can now have remote access to solar powered boundary monitors and link via a web portal to real-time measurement data. This allows for quick evaluation and response to potential adverse impacts, and automated threshold warning alerts can be sent to nominated persons when there is a risk of non-compliance to ensure corrective action can be taken.


In connection with the National Air Quality Objectives 1997, the majority of the UK’s urban areas have been designated Air Quality Management areas (AQMA’s). So continuous particulate monitoring  to PM10 may be required during demolition or the construction of a new development to minimise air pollution, nuisance and associated health risks to nearby building occupants.


Dust monitoring can evaluate the potential environmental impacts a demolition site may have on air pollution due to the dust it may generate. Dust management plans to assess the risks of a range of dust particulate sizes and gas types can be monitored including accredited PM10 monitoring as often specified by Local Authorities.


Shaun Knotts talk on an integrated approach to noise, vibration and dust monitoring aims to assist site managers with minimising the potential impacts of demolition projects and develop their understanding of health and boundary monitoring. So contact the IOD here to book your seat at the event.