Casella UK
Wolseley Rd, Kempston,Bedford MK42 7JY
This course, delivered by our expert trainer, provides managers and safety practitioners with a guide to best practice. If you are looking to perform air sampling in the workplace, Casella's one day course is the perfect starter for you! The comprehensive one day practical training course covers all of the main areas of air sampling, looking at the various recognised methods of dust, gas and vapour sampling, and offering practical hints and tips.
• An introduction to air sampling
• A summary of COSHH legislation
• Routes of exposure and exposure limits - what they are & how to monitor for them
• Air sampling equipment overview
• Recognised methods of dust, gas and vapour sampling
• Practical set up of air sampling pumps for monitoring
• Exposure calculation
• Introduction to control measures
At the end of the course, you will receive a personal certificate of attendance to Casella's one-day training.
This course is ideal for those responsible for workplace health and safety. It is suitable for all levels of academia and experience, and can also act as a refresher course for current practitioners. The course is a mixture of theory and practical sessions, offering you real-life hints and tips, only learned from our expertise and experience.
The course runs from 9:00am to 15:30pm approximately. All course materials and refreshments are provided by Casella. While equipment is available, delegates are always welcome to bring their own for the practical sessions. This course costs £245 excl. VAT per delegate. Please contact us directly to discuss what we can offer.
Wednesday 17th September
The above date is subject to the UK's government guidelines at the time. This will dictate whether this course can go ahead. Individuals who sign up for our courses will be regularly kept up to date. Should this be canceled, full refunds can be given or you can postpone your attendance until the next available date.
The courses take place at Casella's headquarters in Bedford, UK.
To book your place for the Introduction to Air Sampling Course, please contact us using the details below:
CALL: +44 (0) 1234 844100