
At Casella we try to do our best to help users get the most from our product. Below are a series of videos providing support and guidance for a number of Insight applications, taking you from installation to restoring data:


Step 1 - Installing Casella Insight Video

Installing Casella Insight after downloading the program from

Step 2 - Creating a Tree Structure Video

Guidance through the necessary steps to start building your tree structure within your Results List in Casella Insight

Step 3 - Assigning Data

Moving unassigned folders to user created destinations within the Tree Structure

Step 4 - Backing Up 

Taking a back up of your Casella Insight database

Step 5 - Restoring Database

How to restore a backed up database into Casella Insight

Step 6 - Exporting as CSV

Export assigned data into a CSV format from Casella Insight

Step 7 - Generating a report

Create a report from datat downloaded into Casella Insight


Using Exclusion Zones within Insight